Henjin Web Game Engine

Henjin is a 100% web-based game engine, capable of producing complex games ranging from simple text-based adventures to fully graphical RPGs. Powered by DHTML and AJAX technologies, Henjin requires only simple, easy-to-learn text-based processing scripts and your supplied graphics to function. All script processing is done by the client so no additional requirements of the web server are made beyond the normal task of file hosting.

Henjin is written entirely in JavaScript™. It does not utilize browser add-ons such as Adobe® Flash® Player or Microsoft® Silverlight™.

How It Works

Henjin is, at its core, a powerful text-based script file processor. Reading and parsing game script files stored on a web server, Henjin is able to interpret almost three hundred distinct commands and translate them into graphics or text that display in your browser window. An object-oriented, event-driven architecture allows user responses to work in combination with timing effects, audio, and various game objects to recreate complex video game environments.


The maximum capabilities of Henjin are roughly equivalent to early '90s role playing games, or RPGs, such as the Dragon Quest/Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy series. Generally, this includes the display of multiple graphics on screen in combination with displayed text, all while background audio, sound effects, and even speech are played through the speakers.¹

Graphics may be layered one on top of each other to create additional effects, including taking advantage of transparent areas. GIF images may also be used to create animation effects.

The game processor supports both numeric and string variables, as well as conditional logic which allows games to take different paths depending on the state of variables or the actions selected by the user.

A built-in, event-driven map driver simplifies two-dimensional orientation, motion, and object collision, eliminating the need for complex user coding.

¹ Audio effects may require a browser plug-in, such as Apple® QuickTime® or Microsoft® Windows Media® Player.

Integrating With Your Web Page

Including Henjin on your web page is easy! Just include the following HTML in your web page's <head> element:

<script type="text/javascript"

And to start a game file, include the following HTML in your web page's <body> element:

<script type="text/javascript">
    play('gamename', 'scriptfile', left, top, width, height);

Where gamename is a short name to distinguish your game from others', scriptfile is the path to your Henjin game script file, and the remaining arguments (left, top, width, and height) specify the starting position and size of the Henjin System window.


Click here to access the Henjin syntax help files. [Incomplete]

Examples & Demos

Bridge Demo

Bridge Demo

Demonstrates how to update the state of a map such that when the player's avatar steps on specific locations, the ability to go "over" or "under" a bridge is changed.

Play | View Source


Date/Time Demo

Date/Time Demo

Demonstrates the functions that display the current system date and time.

Play | View Source


Loop Demo

Loop Demo

Demonstrates all of the different looping constructs available in Henjin.

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Mouse Demo

Mouse Demo

Demonstrates the capture and use of mouse coordinates.

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Referencing Demo

Referencing Demo

Demonstrates the concept of referencing an object from a variable name by using the $ qualifier.

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State Demo

State Demo

Demonstrates the concept of saving and loading game states.

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Text Demo

Text Demo

Demonstrates several functions that can be performed on text.

Play | View Source



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